Get more website traffic visitors

Get more website traffic visitors

Thanks to my fellow Examiners over at the LinkedIn discussions groups for letting me know that you could put Google Analytics tracking code inside each of your posts to find out which of your particular posts get the most traffics and why -- so I'm writing this post to show other writers how do so, until the time that puts this forthcoming enhancement in place.

· First, go to Google Analytics and set up a new account if you haven't already. It's free.

· Then go to "Add Website Profile" at the bottom

· Choose "Add a Profile for a new domain", and add as your website and leave the choose adwords box blank

· Then you should get "Instructions for adding tracking" and "New Tracking Code ga.js" and under that you'll see "Copy the following code block into every webpage you want to track immediately before the body tag. If your site has dynamic content you can use a common include or a template. Use this tracking code to gain access to a wide range of exciting new features as they become available."

· Take the code that you see in that box below that text and copy and paste it to a notepad file so that you can use it often.

· Next, when you're writing your next article (or adding it to the old pieces you've written) copy and paste that Google Analytics code in the same box that you would when you're posting a video to -- the little box that pops up when you add the YouTube code there, the one that looks like a clipboard with a <*> on it.

Online earnings Tips: Post 1

Earnings from Internet

The dream of home based business fills almost all of us while sitting in small close offices at average job place. Every one among us is dreaming about being your own boss, setting the schedule that will be suitable for you and of course earning that amount of money you deserve. You have need skills, talents and hobbies that could be turned into a home based business, but there is the only problem – you have a limited budget. So, you are trying to find the home based business opportunity for those with limited budget.

Today there are a number of home based business opportunities waiting people with limited budget. Remember that the key to successful home based business is not in invested fortune, but in using your resources. The majority of us have the basic set up for creating a home based office. Among all items are computer, internet connection and printer. Obtaining these three tools you are more than halfway to some online opportunities. Below three home based businesses that do not need a large amount of investments are presented.

- Customer service agent. For this home based business you will need all above mentioned items as well as an active phone line and microphone or handset. The training is provided online and you do not have to pay money up front. After reading the course you will need to take an online exam and to submit the exam online. After training course you will receive a log in id and password to your customer care website. You will receive the phone calls to your home number and in this way you are in business.

- Freelance writer. If you enjoy writing, you have a great opportunity to become a freelance writer. Today there are a number of different companies that require various stories and articles for both websites and magazines. You may be required to pay a small fee to join the writers’ membership, but it is not everywhere. The publisher offers you the topic and main guidelines for you. The only thing you have to do is to research the needed information and write an article.

- Sales representative. Usually this type of home based business requires some start up budget that could vary between the products. For instant, in the case you are going into business for some cosmetic companies, you will need to buy a starter kit that allows you to begin selling the product. Your expenses vary between $200 and $500 depending on the purchase amount. If you are going to join the company dealing with some health beverages or nutritional supplements you might need to buy the first month supply which will cost you about $100-$300. After selling the product you will be compensated.

Working at home on the internet is a good way to earn money if you need it. You just need to be careful as there are a lot of scams online. Here are a few things to keep in mind when staying home and Earning Money On The Internet.

To get ideas about working on the internet Google search the words “work at home”. You will see there is a lot of information out there so take your time and pick something that is perfect for you.

You get to pick your own hours and days you want to work on your internet businesses. People think that you do not have to work on the internet to make money.

But to make money online you have to work at your idea and to start you have to put a lot of time and effort into it. The more time you put into the work the more you will see a profit. It does take time it as it does not happen over night.

If you choose something that you know about that will help make it more enjoyable for you. Earning money online can be fun and it should be!

When working at home you need a few things before you get started. You have to make sure you have a landline or Skype on your computer with a phone number on the Skype if you are doing work where you need to talk to people. You also need a good computer and having Microsoft word will help for sure.

It is very important you have a quiet spot to work so you can think. Let your family know that this is your job and when you get started you need set hours to get started.

There are so many jobs out there and it is endless on the internet. Again just find something that interests you in your life. Here are a few ideas that may help you start looking.

Businesses on the internet are looking for writers. They really need blog writers. You can write blog content for them. A lot of companies do not have time to update their website and that is where you would come in.

You can bid on freelance work for free if it is a small company. Take a look at all the small businesses and see if there is something for you as a freelancer.

Transcriptionist jobs are available if you type seventy five words per minute. Having strong English language helps. They want to make sure you have done this before so keep this in mind.

Next post is coming .......

Post Topic:

How to Get more website traffic visitors

Earn through internet

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