Get more website traffic visitors

Get more website traffic visitors

Thanks to my fellow Examiners over at the LinkedIn discussions groups for letting me know that you could put Google Analytics tracking code inside each of your posts to find out which of your particular posts get the most traffics and why -- so I'm writing this post to show other writers how do so, until the time that puts this forthcoming enhancement in place.

· First, go to Google Analytics and set up a new account if you haven't already. It's free.

· Then go to "Add Website Profile" at the bottom

· Choose "Add a Profile for a new domain", and add as your website and leave the choose adwords box blank

· Then you should get "Instructions for adding tracking" and "New Tracking Code ga.js" and under that you'll see "Copy the following code block into every webpage you want to track immediately before the body tag. If your site has dynamic content you can use a common include or a template. Use this tracking code to gain access to a wide range of exciting new features as they become available."

· Take the code that you see in that box below that text and copy and paste it to a notepad file so that you can use it often.

· Next, when you're writing your next article (or adding it to the old pieces you've written) copy and paste that Google Analytics code in the same box that you would when you're posting a video to -- the little box that pops up when you add the YouTube code there, the one that looks like a clipboard with a <*> on it.

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